Audit reviews, training and consultancy that works.

Many of the UK’s leading audit firms choose Apex to deliver integrated audit and compliance reviews, training and support.
Drawing on decades of experience within Big Four and mid-tier firms, we’re committed to developing your team’s
knowledge, skills and effectiveness.

The Apex difference

Sending your team on a handful of A&A update courses and arranging an annual compliance review might tick the boxes, but it isn’t effective at improving audit quality. You need an integrated strategy that combines focused and practical training with targeted file reviews, coaching and appraisal.

That’s what makes Apex different. We help your teams to embed technical and interpersonal skills through a programme of learning, review and feedback.

Our services

Reviews and CPD training

Most of our services are provided to firms on an in-house basis. Visit our Reviews and CPD training page to see the range of services we offer including audit and compliance reviews, training and consultancy.

Audit Academy

Our Audit Academy includes on-demand bitesize training and highly interactive case study workshops. Visit our Audit Academy page to see the range of upcoming library titles and details of our workshops.

Our clients

We provide training and consultancy to almost half of the UK’s Top 50 firms of auditors and many other mid-tier and smaller firms, including the following:

Get in touch with us

If you’d like to discuss how Apex could help you transform your audit practice, please message us using the form. We’d love to talk to you!